The Lion That Didn’t Want To Hurt Anyone

This afternoon, 2C received a very special parcel. It came all the way from Burnham-on-Sea, where one of Miss Cunningham’s friends lives. Miss Cunningham’s friend is called Sonny, and he wrote a fantastic book about an unusual lion. As soon as we had finished our work, we all sat on the carpet to hear this wonderful story.

Now we have read it we are going to let the other classes in the school borrow it!


2C said…

“We highly recommend this book to anyone who likes stories with morals. We especially liked it because our topic is about animals and their habitats, we noticed that Sonny was a very different lion to other carnivores ”

“We think the messages in the story are very important, and our favourite chapter was the one about trying our best. This is similar to our school ethos of always trying our BEST- believe in yourself, show enthusiasm, stickability and aim for our targets”


As this extra special book is not available in shops yet, if you would like a copy please either come and see Miss Cunningham or if you have Facebook, you can search for “The Lion That Didn’t Want To Hurt Anyone” and the details will be there.


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