Coventry Transport Museum Trip

Remember, remember the 26th November…

We will be leaving school promptly at 9am so make sure your child is at school on time. If your child is late, they will unfortunately miss out on the trip.

We should be back for 3pm, but if we are running late for any reason, the school comms will inform you.

If your child is bringing their packed lunch from home, please remember this. No fizzy drinks or unhealthy snacks (just as a normal packed lunch).

All children MUST wear their school uniform.

When should we not play a game?

In Computing this week we are looking at shooting games. So many games involve shooting things one early example is Space invaders.

There are many other examples some that you might play on your Xbox or PS4 – can you name any?

Some games have age restrictions – they are clear on the box. These exist to make sure that you only see games with material that is suitable for you to watch as you play. Sometimes we may want to play games our older brothers or sisters are playing but they aren’t suitable.
What should you do if you see something in a game that concerns you?

This game we are testing a shooting game that is is suitable – Click on the link or the picture to go to the game.

When you play this game I want to know what are the rules or algorithms for this game.

  • What do you press to aim?
  • How do you shoot?
  • What happens if you hit a duck?
  • What happens when you miss?

Book worms

Wednesdays are our favourite days in Year 2… It’s LIBRARY DAY We can’t wait to find another amazing story to take home.

Please remember to bring in library books on Wednesdays so the children can exchange them for another amazing story.

Tennis for Two!

This week in Computing we are testing a version of the first every console game – PONG!

As you are testing the game with your partner I want you to think about the following questions.
How is the score determined?
How do the racquets move?
How does the ball move?
What happens when the ball hits the bat?
What elements are random in the game?